Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Now - Spa Sessions, the book

Responding to demand, Spa Sessions has changed the delivery format for its soft skills training programme and added extra features as well.

The new Sessions/60 pack, which replaces the original 12-month online subscription, is a hard copy manual containing 60 training sessions from the original Spa business basics - Service Experience, Team Performance and Business Success - plus facilitator notes detailing suggested preparation, best delivery methods and helpful tips.

“The new hardcopy programme is designed for flexibility and ease of use”, says Spa Sessions creator, Naomi Gregory. “We found that managers preferred to have something visual to refer to.

“They also wanted more suggestions to initiate the team discussion and the opportunity to be able to pre-plan the delivery of their Sessions. There is a new feature, 'Session Starters', that gives the facilitator ideas to launch the group discussion.

“The hard copy program also offers more flexibility. With a collection of 60 Sessions to choose from, managers can pick and choose from the three business basics and develop a training program to suit themselves.”

Sessions are delivered in under 15 minutes - from team leader to team - and frequency of training can be scheduled to suit the spa operation and business demands.

Elsewhere, the company has appointed Gillian Kureva as its representative in Africa. This is in response to an increasing number of enquiries from Africa and aims to build on Spa Sessions' success in Australia, Asia and the Middle East.

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